Luna & Ursus Superfan Club

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 Few consider the many hours it takes behind the scenes to create, rehearse, and perform for a night, or to record a single song. That's why we feel so grateful for your consideration in supporting our work! Every little bit really does help push us a long a little further. Long road trips, buying new gear, studio time, all of the many other expenses add up fast, and every kind person that helps us get there truly has a special place in our hearts. 

In this private section of our website you will have access to our music, and all that goes into making it, in a way that you won't be able to anywhere else. That means you can hear demos of songs before we ever record them. You can stream songs we have recorded but haven't officially released. You'll have the first chance to download new songs when they do come out, and you'll know that you played an integral part in making it all happen. 

This page may grow in a number of different ways, and that really depends on what our biggest fans (that's you!) want to see from us. Monthly concerts, video Q&A, private message boards, behind the scenes footage of our creative process? We want to know what you want so we can continue to deliver to the people that have our back. 

Luna & Ursus